Tucson, Ariz. – Tucson Electric Power is sharing safety tips to help customers avoid electrical hazards when working or playing at home this spring, which begins this week.

Trim with caution

Homeowners are responsible for keeping branches at least 15 feet away from service lines that connect their homes to our local energy grid. Trees or shrubs on private property can grow near power lines, making them difficult to see. If trees on your property have grown into power lines, call TEP first at 520-623-7711 to ask for your electric service to be suspended temporarily so that you can trim safely. This service is free. When trimming, make sure heavy limbs don’t fall onto electrical equipment below.

Look up and around

Before using tall ladders, pool skimmers, extended electric trimming poles and other power equipment, look up and around to avoid contact with power lines or equipment. Working on your antenna, satellite dish or rooftop air conditioning unit also may bring you near power lines. Always stay at least 15-feet away from them for your safety.

Use caution with electrical tools

Water conducts electricity, so take care when using electric power tools. Do not use electric-powered mowers or other electrical equipment or tools while standing on wet surfaces or in the rain. You also should always use an insulated extension cord that’s rated for outdoor use and with the correct power rating for the equipment. Check power tools and their cords for any signs of damage. If you see damage, no matter how small, fix or replace it.

Play it safe

Spring is a great time for kids to get out in the fresh air and play, but certain activities can be risky near our power lines. Keep children safe by not allowing them to fly kites, operate drones or float balloons near power lines. If these get hung up on the lines, do not try to remove them yourself. Instead, call TEP for help. Children also should not climb trees near our power lines or play on or around our ground equipment and transformers.

Educate children about electrical safety

Teach young children how to stay safe around electricity. TEP offers safety resources for teachers and parents, including our Safety Land video and Energy Safe Kids booklets and lesson plans. These resources provide information about energy, electrical safety, lightning, safe digging and other topics.

Call 811 before digging

The law requires you to call 811 at least two working days before you break ground so that underground utility lines can be located and marked, even if you’re just planting a tree or a spring garden. To take advantage of this free service, call 811 or visit the Arizona 811 website before you begin digging.

TEP provides safe, reliable electric service to more than 442,000 customers in Southern Arizona. For more information, visit tep.com. TEP and its parent company, UNS Energy, are subsidiaries of Fortis Inc. (TSX/NYSE: FTS), which owns utilities that serve more than 3 million customers across Canada and in the United States and the Caribbean. For more information, visit fortisinc.com.

News Media Contact
Joseph Barrios

This content was last updated on the date shown above. More recent information might be available elsewhere on tep.com.