Social Media Policy
We understand that energy is a fascinating topic. That’s why we welcome and enjoy answering questions, participating in discussions and hearing your feedback.
To protect your privacy, we’ll redirect questions about your own account to a more private arena, including a direct message or a conversation with one of our helpful Customer Care representatives.
To ensure this remains a place for respectful dialogue, we reserve the right to delete posts that are:
- Obscene, profane, abusive, threatening or harassing
- Disparaging to our employees
- Discriminatory, racist or sexist
- Off topic
- Fake accounts or otherwise in conflict with Facebook’s community standards
We also reserve the right to block all future posts from individuals who have repeatedly violated our social media policy and/or who have repeatedly posted negative, critical comments that discourage constructive conversations about our programs and service.
Please visit our Contact Us page for ways of reaching us for help in managing your account, transferring service, making a complaint or sharing feedback.