TEP presented its fifth annual TEP BrightEE Awards to a dozen organizations.
Energy EfficiencyPress Releases
TEP presented its fifth annual TEP BrightEE Awards to a dozen organizations.
Star Academic won the competition by reducing its energy bills by an average of 4.63 percent compared to the previous year.
In homes with electric heat pumps, customers can expect their bills creep up as the temperatures start to dip.
While scanning Black Friday ads for a new TV or laptop computer, keep an eye out for the ENERGY STAR® label.
TEP is accepting nominations for the fifth annual TEP BrightEE Awards for customers who save energy with energy efficiency programs.
TEP’s Trees for You program is helping draw more customers and sales to family owned nurseries, stimulating the economy.
Supported by a $75,000 TEP Community Impact Grant, agencies participating in the Safe at Home Coalition are helping limited-income seniors.