Tucson Electric Power’s program to improve energy efficiency in local schools is simultaneously supporting Arizona-based jobs.

M & M Lighting, for example, recently received the contract to retrofit Tucson High Magnet School with more than 1,000 LED lights. The company has completed about 60 LED retrofit projects in schools across the state over the past year and, as a trade ally contractor for TEP’s EasySave program, has bid on six more such projects locally.

“It’s exciting for us to actually see the difference the program makes for the schools,” said Rick Whyte, Sales Director for M & M, whose teams worked after school until midnight to avoid disrupting classes. “Not only is the lighting brighter and more consistent, but schools with interior and exterior retrofits are seeing as much as a 60 percent reduction in lighting costs.”

Reducing schools’ utility costs leaves more resources to serve students, Whyte continued. “When you consider there’s a 10-year life expectancy for LED lighting, they’re also saving on repair and maintenance over those years as well.”

Only contractors that qualify as approved trade allies through TEP’s EasySave program can submit competitive bids for projects within the Schools Energy Efficiency Program, which provides complimentary retrofits for schools.

Whyte said TEP provided the necessary assistance to quickly become a qualified contractor.
“I appreciate that this program is a win-win for the environment and the economy.”

EasySave, which also offers rebates to approved installation contractors for their work with small business customers, is part of TEP’s portfolio of cost-effective energy efficiency programs designed to save energy and reduce demand, particularly during peak usage hours.

“We’re pleased to offer these savings to our schools and some of our smaller business customers to help them save on long-term energy costs – and prouder still that we’re helping support the economy at the same time,” said Jessica Vega, TEP Senior Program Manager of Commercial Energy Efficiency Programs and Services.

For more information about TEP’s rebates for commercial customers.

This content was last updated on the date shown above. More recent information might be available elsewhere on tep.com.