Tucson Electric Power contributed nearly $2.1 million in 2021 to 176 nonprofit organizations or causes focused on providing community assistance, education and environmental stewardship.
“The increased level of financial assistance helped many organizations and our customers through the difficult times of the pandemic,” said Shea-Lynn Hoisington, TEP Outreach Project Coordinator. “We heard from many nonprofit groups that our funds helped carry them through until federal dollars became available.”
TEP funded a range of organizations, projects and events last year. We provided funds for meal deliveries, legal assistance for low-income residents and rental help. We supported education by providing technology for adult services and support for teacher training in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). We funded nature preservation and trail cleanups. We also donated more than $100,000 to efforts that advance diversity, equity and inclusion in our community.
TEP’s philanthropic contributions come from corporate resources and are not recovered through customers’ rates. Our community partners use our contributions to sustain programs with measurable success built over many years.
Top donations included:
- Tucson Clean and Beautiful to support the City of Tucson’s Million Trees initiative – $100,000
- Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona – $75,000
- Southern Arizona Research, Science and Engineering Foundation (SARSEF) for the regional science fair and other education efforts – $75,000
- Pima Council on Aging – $51,000, completing the third of a three-year grant commitment to the organization
- Habitat for Humanity – $50,000, completing the third of a three-year grant commitment to the organization
- Junior Achievement of Arizona – $50,000
- Tucson Values Teachers – $50,000
- Emerge Center Against Domestic Abuse – $50,000
- Society of St. Vincent de Paul – $50,000
In addition to the Tucson area, TEP supported charities in the White Mountains community around our Springerville Generating Station, as well as in rural New Mexico near our Oso Grande wind farm. We contributed nearly $50,000 to more than 20 organizations in those regions.
Employee Service
TEP values our employees’ commitment to community service.
Some of the organizations and community projects we support are chosen by TEP’s Community Action Teams, which are employee-led committees that organize volunteer and donation activities to benefit the causes closest to their hearts. Last year, we provided $70,000 to 22 organizations through those teams.
In addition, we invite employees who meet certain volunteer thresholds to apply for grants in support of the nonprofit organizations of their choice. Through our Dollars for Doers program, qualifying grants – ranging from $200 to $400 each – supported 23 local groups.
“We want to support and encourage our employees to stay safely engaged in our community,” said Tara Barerra, TEP Community Program Coordinator. “Our Dollars for Doers programs help us accomplish that.”
Company Focus
New in 2021, TEP customers supported nonprofit organizations through our TEP Gives program. Every time customers signed up for Budget Billing, e-Bill or Auto Pay, we made a donation to a designated charity each quarter.
The recipients of $20,000 each were:
- Arizona’s Children Association
- Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona
- Junior Achievement of Arizona
- The Nature Conservancy
For the first quarter of 2022, we’re supporting Emerge Center for Domestic Abuse.