Custom Program Application
Our Custom Program offers large business customers rebates to reduce the upfront cost of purchasing higher efficiency equipment, including lighting, HVAC, motors and more. Customers can choose from a prescriptive list of measures with set incentives or submit a custom project proposal with incentives based on kWh savings achieved.
Application Process
- Submit the following pre-application documents provided below:
- Part 1: Pre-Application
- Part 2: The appropriate Prescriptive and/or Custom Measure Worksheet(s) – see below
- Receive notice of reservation of funds.
- Install equipment.
- Submit the following final application documents:
- Part 1: Application
- Part 2: The appropriate Prescriptive and/or Custom Measure Worksheet(s) – see below
- Receive rebate approximately 4-6 weeks after submitting completed application.
Part 1: Rebate Application: Contains option for both Pre- and Final Application.
Part 2: Custom Measure Worksheets
- Custom Lighting Worksheet 1 — For projects with a wattage reduction and no change in operating schedule. Updated 5/15/2024
- Custom Lighting Worksheet 2 — For projects with a Wattage Reduction and a change in schedule. Updated 1/1/2024
- General Custom Worksheet — For projects that do not fit into the other custom worksheets. Updated 1/1/2024
Room Count
Please download and use this room count for lighting application submissions. A room count sheet is required on all projects over 30 fixtures and all de-lamping projects.
Only TEP customers on these commercial pricing plans are eligible to participate in this program:
Description | Rate Code |
Small General Service Basic | TGSGS |
Small General Service Peak Demand | TGSGSD |
Small General Service Time-of-Use | TGSGST |
Small General Service Demand Time-of-Use | TGSGSDT |
Medium General Service | TGMGS |
Medium General Service Transition | TGMGSC |
Medium General Service Time-of-Use | TGMGST |
Medium General Service Time-of-Use Transition | TGMGSCT |
Large General Service | TGLGS |
Large General Service Time-of-Use | TGLGST |
Large Power Service Time-of-Use | TILPST |
Large Power Service Time-of-Use High Voltage | TILPSTHV |
Traffic Signal and Street Lighting Service | TPTSL |
Water Pumping Service | TGGSWP |
Energy-efficient equipment purchased, work contracted and work completed prior to the program start date are not eligible for incentives.
Incentives are capped at up to 75% of the incremental cost per prescriptive measure and up to 50% of the incremental cost on custom measures. The incremental cost is the difference between the cost of installing a high-efficiency equipment and the cost of lower-cost standard equipment.
If a single premise exceeds $600,000 in incentives during the program year all incentives above $600,000 will be paid at 50% of the normal incentive.
Due to revisions to the Business Energy Solutions program, please note that previous program applications and worksheets cannot be used. Please download the updated application and supporting materials and submit them for your 2024 projects. Please refer to the Policies & Procedures document for a full description of program rules and guidelines.
Funds are not reserved until you receive a funding reservation notification.