TEP Lineman

Tucson Electric Power needs more than electrical workers to provide safe, reliable power.

A multifaceted workforce is needed to run a company that generates and delivers electricity to homes and businesses. With such a diversity of careers, TEP is a workplace that job seekers should explore.

Did you know that TEP has a weather forecaster? As the company adds more renewable energy, TEP relies on predictions of how well our solar and wind installations will perform each day. We also have teams of experts working to expand our renewable energy resources and promote energy efficiency in our community.

TEP employs chemists who analyze water and emissions at our power plants, including the H. Wilson Sundt Generating Station in Tucson. Employees in our Glove Lab make sure rubber gloves and other protective equipment stay safe. Graduates with geography degrees update our electric system maps. Mechanics maintain our trucks.

Two certified arborists are responsible for managing trees and plants near our power lines. TEP even employs an occupational nurse to keep our workforce healthy and safe. Plus, the company has jobs in accounting, human resources, customer service and other more traditional fields.

Here are some other high-interest jobs and areas where TEP often has openings:

Lineman and Construction: The linemen who install and repair power lines from bucket trucks may be the most visible TEP employees around town. But these jobs are among the hardest to get in this region.

Those who are interested in becoming linemen or learning specialized crafts must go through rigorous apprenticeship programs, which can take about five years. Pre-apprentices and apprentices are paid while they go through the training at TEP. Hundreds of applicants often apply for each job. Find more information about craft and trade professions.

Once in those roles, some journeyman linemen get additional training in the “bare hand” method to work directly on energized lines and conductors. After two years of education, linemen can walk on and touch live lines while wearing special, metal fiber suits.

Watch a video of TEP employees using the “bare hand” method.

Also, see a 360-degree view from a TEP bucket truck.

Employees in the Map Room

System Control: While crews maintain lines in the field, other employees work behind the scenes to control power on the grid.

TEP frequently has job openings for system operators – employees who make sure energy flows efficiently and reliably. From the TEP Map Room, operators keep track of scheduled maintenance projects, unforeseen outages and delivery of energy.


Engineers: TEP regularly recruits a variety of engineers, especially those who specialize in electricity and power systems. Those include civil, structural, computer, environmental and chemical engineers.

Engineers provide technical expertise in operating power generation equipment and energy systems. Others design the layouts and facilities at substations, sometimes from the start of construction to completion.

Security employees looking at computer

Information Technology: TEP almost always has openings for programmers, developers and other roles in information technology and information services.

Our mobile team develops and maintains our websites and apps, both for our employees and customers.

Cyber security experts are needed to protect our system, while others analyze our business operations and update our systems.

To see our current job openings, visit TEP’s career webpage.

This content was last updated on the date shown above. More recent information might be available elsewhere on tep.com.