Chilly months can create energy efficiency challenges for Tucson workplaces that usually focus on fighting high summer usage.

Our milder climate attracts winter visitors, holiday guests, and Gem Show participants, creating the prospect for increased energy usage. To cultivate a more inviting atmosphere for customers and employees, examine your workplace for seasonal opportunities to save energy and money.

Seek an Expert Opinion

TEP offers rebates on a variety of energy-efficient equipment – from HVAC systems to motors and refrigeration – for local workplaces.

To get started, consider requesting a Free Rebate Assessment. A local efficiency expert can help identify energy-saving opportunities and potential rebates for qualifying businesses, schools and nonprofit organizations. Find the potential for your facility by requesting an assessment.

Consider the Air Flow

Heating your workplace efficiently might seem simple. But heated air can easily escape your business and drive up costs. Some steps to prevent air leaks:

  • Install sweeps and stripping around doors and windows.
  • Add foam sealing gaskets to electrical outlets, switches and plumbing gaps on outside walls.
  • Put up window coverings and treatments to prevent drafts.
  • Change air filters and get tune-ups regularly on your heating and cooling unit.

Look at Lighting

Winter visitors and seasonal residents can increase traffic at smaller businesses, such as restaurants, shops, and entertainment venues. Shorter daylight hours expand the need for effective lighting for longer stretches.

TEP offers easy ways to make your lighting more energy-efficient, increasing savings and comfort for both customers and employees. Rebates help offset a significant portion of upfront costs associated with installations, making it trouble-free and cost-effective for businesses, through our Business Energy Solutions program.

For simpler projects, business owners can go directly to local storefronts to buy energy-efficient bulbs and lighting equipment through the Fast Checkout Program. Participating distributors can provide customers with instant rebates at the time of purchase, as long as they meet program requirements.

Find the list of qualifying equipment and five participating locations on the Fast Checkout webpage.

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