Customers can help advance cleaner air and more livable communities through a new program beginning in 2021.

Through our TEP Gives program, we’ll make a donation to a local nonprofit group for each account holder who signs up for Budget Billinge-bill or Auto Pay. TEP’s donations in the second quarter of 2021 will go to The Nature Conservancy (TNC).

All donations are funded from our existing philanthropic budget with company resources, not customers’ rates.

“Our company is committed to a cleaner, greener energy future, which is an interest we share with our customers,” said Erik Bakken, Vice President of System Operations and Energy Resources, and a TNC Board Member. “What we know is that a goal this complex will require working in collaboration with stakeholders across the state, which is something The Nature Conservancy is working toward through its Arizona Thrives initiative. By working together, we can advance clean air, clean energy and a thriving economy for Arizona.”

Thanks to our customers signing up for these services, TEP contributed nearly $20,000 to the Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona in the first quarter of 2021 through our TEP Gives program.

New beneficiaries will be selected periodically throughout the year to provide customers with opportunities to direct charitable support other causes. Sign up online through My Account, the TEP Mobile App or by calling Customer Care at 520-623-7711.

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